Do you know what your unique ability is?
Some people spend their whole lives trying to figure out what they’re good at.
Me? I’m good at a lot of things but only great at three.
You can pay me to do any of the following.*
It might seem obvious to play to your strengths, but not all of us do.
My whole life I’ve known I was a writer, but it took me a long time to finally accept it.
The universe gave me clues from the very start.
I skipped ahead two grades in English. I won writing contests. I gave myself research papers to write for fun. I started a magazine. I got straight A’s in nearly every class where the grade was determined by essay.
But I never accepted myself as a writer.
Even after I wrote a letter to the Dean of one of the best Journalism schools in America explaining why they should accept me when my grades said they shouldn’t — and got in.
Even after being called out as exceptional in every screenwriting class I ever took.