Advice From A Very Wise And Handsome Man!
Kishore Yadav is an LMA student.
This man is the one writing this blog, the first blog of his life!
Forgive me for having called myself both handsome and wise, I just could not choose one.
I am Kishore Yadav from Bangalore, the IT capital of India, and probably the place from where most of you would have received at least one call from a technical support member called “JOHN”.
Coming to Sydney I had only one goal, and that was to learn the science of humour. #FeelingNerdish
I chose to study at LMA for their Chicago-style IMPROV comedy classes. Now that I am in my second term, I have added one more goal, and that is to be a HUMAN.
You might find this strange but yes, we are so busy, being busy, that we have lost our ways. But don’t worry, IMPROV brings you back to the present and reminds you how to enjoy being HUMAN.
IMPROV is commonly known as a stage act, but I beg to differ and say it is the best tool to use in our daily lives. It is the best life hack you can get in this modern world.
IMPROV helps you to live with key influences in your life such as your parents, close friends, your partner and your work colleagues peacefully. This is such a rare thing to have — PEACE.
IMPROV’s most basic lesson helps you. It not only teaches you to say YES but also to YES AND. Once you start to do this, your relationships become more meaningful and you feel more connected than ever.
‘’In an IMPROV scene, you get to do things that you may never do in real life. For instance, if you’re like me and scared to ask the most beautiful girl you have seen to dinner or coffee, you can ask her out in the IMPROV scene, and you know what? She cannot say NO to you’’
On a more serious note, IMPROV changes your life.
I met the legendary Ryan Karels (a teacher from the Upright Citizens Brigade in New York) in my level 2 at LMA and my brain feels blessed to be working with a person who asks his students to think like a HUMAN.
When I asked him “What does it mean to be Human?” he replies “Well, I cannot describe him but I spot him when I see him.”
I just hope at the end of my class, Ryan says at least once “I saw the HUMAN in you today”. This would be the best thing to be in my life ‘A HUMAN’.
IMPROV vanishes the concept of “SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST” and brings out the idea of “LIVE AND LET LIVE” within the group. You become more compassionate, caring and you feel really safe with your group of improvisers, no matter what.
IMPROV is for life. If there is any life present on MARS, I would say, “Better start an IMPROV class! This is the basic teaching of life and now watch how HUMANS evolve.”